Monday, August 7, 2017

What About Online Curriculum Programs?

So far, I have shared resources for building your own curriculum. But, that can be pretty time consuming. (This is what I have done... til now) I have been looking for an online curriculum program for my family that makes it a little easier on me. I am a Latter-Day Saint and so I about passed out when I found out about Not only is it LDS beliefs based but it is accredited and makes it possible for me to teach my kids together with work fit for their individual needs. They have a few different packages to choose from to fit your family's budget! I am so excited to be starting this soon! There were a couple other groups we checked out before deciding on Family School:

These guys charge $30/mo. You can choose Common Core based curriculum or not.

This one is all free!

Share any online curriculums/programs you use!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Update to my Resource List

My oldest will be starting 1st grade soon. I have found a couple of resources that look like they will REALLY help as my kids get older:


This might be horrible, but what I did (And will probably continue to do) is I went to Christian Book, saw what was needed for a subject and grade; and then I hopped onto Amazon and bought the books for a fraction of the cost!

My Preschool Essentials

I know some people won't "officially" teach preschool, but I do. The lessons only last about 5 minutes and we focus on only 1 thing a couple days a week. So far, my kids love it! I have home schooled preschool fully for 1 and halfway done with another. Here is all that I use for it:

-Crayons, markers, paint, glitter, etc
-Scissors and glue
(You know, the basics for crafts!)

Curriculum must-haves:
- Flashcards for alphabet, numbers (1-20), shapes, colors
- Posters for alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors

That's it! It is so easy, fun, and educational! I will use these for my last 2 as well.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Where I get ALL my homeschooling needs

There are so many places to get your supplies for homeschooling, just go to google and you will see. But these are my favorites so far:

- (Seriously awesome ideas and printables from here)

This is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE resource and the one I use the most:


I am blessed enough to have an actual United Art and Education store near me, so I get the chance to "get lost" in this wonderful store :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Homeschooling is for you and your family? Fantastic! There is one thing you must do IMMEDIATELY, and that is to check your state's requirements! Some states are really picky and some states are more lax. I love that we live in Indiana, they are one of the lax ones :) Here is a link to their website:


Wondering if homeschooling is right for you? These are the reasons why my husband and I decided to homeschool our brood:

- We were both bullied
- He wasn't challenged enough, I was behind in some subjects: We want our children to learn at THEIR own pace
- We do not like the way things are being taught to the children in public school (i.e. sex ed)
- We want our kids to be able to play and use their imagination a lot!
- One of the things I wanted to be growing up, was a teacher :)
- I love seeing things *click!*

Do you agree with any of these? It might be for you!

If you are interested in homeschooling, I am hoping this blog will be a good resource for you :)